Thursday, May 28, 2009

While on leave...

While I'm on maternity leave for 2 months, I plan to catch up on my favorite TV shows. I'm starting now with Gossip Girl which I just downloaded yesterday and I'm nearly finish watching Season 2. I'm also waiting for the downloads to finish for my other fave TV shows: Desperate Housewives, Supernatural and Grey's Anatomy.

I'm also stocking up on breastmilk for Nichole. I read that breastmilk when stored in the freezer can last up to 3-6 months. This would be great as she would still have breastmilk even if I'm at work.

And of course, I hope to spend quality time with my kids. They grow faster each day. Nichos is turning 5 in July and Nichole will be 1 month in June 7.