Sunday, August 21, 2011


We have shorter working hours now because of Ramadan. We only work from 9-3 instead of the usual 8-5. However given this work schedule, the work doesn't seem to get finished.  Just like today since we had an advert that came out in the newspaper, so many CV's came in the email. I have to review more than 300 CVs which I started this morning however it will all pile up again tomorrow. I would not have time to review the CV's again tomorrow as I have interviews lined up the whole day. I'm having a headache looking at all the CV's and my eyes are strained. Aside from all this, I still have to ensure that my staff gets work done. I feel so tired and the heat does not help as well as it is really hot in here, that's why when I go home after having "meryenda", I would easily doze off. I'm really looking forward to next week as there is a 2 day holiday for Eid. I just hope I finish all my work before the holidays.

I'd probably sleep like a baby tonight zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....